Ashram san martín de valdeiglesias

Luca gambini march 2019

REDGFUThe CULTURAL NETWORK FOR HUMAN FRATERNITY REDGFU is an international cultural and educational organization that aims to foster dialogue between science, art, philosophy and spiritual disciplines, for human development, through integral education, communication and exchange between individuals, groups, associations, humanitarian, philosophical, cultural, technical, artistic and spiritual societies.
The cultural expressions for human welfare are innumerable. That is why we are committed to collaborate in building the conditions for dialogue, exchange and planetary cooperation, through intercultural programs and projects.WHAT IS AN ASHRAM OF REDGFUAn Ashram is a Center for Human Development, Environmental and Transcendental Education. The Ashrams function as educational centers for human development, with cultural and ecological activities and are a model of an integral culture that encompasses environmental education, food, health, human development and coexistence. As part of the activities carried out for the development of the Human Being, there is the practice of Gymnastics, Yoga, Martial Arts, Studies, Artistic Events and Meditation, among others.

Templar fencing. practice in the castle of coracera in

BienvenidoEste Ashram along with the rest of the Ashrams Network of the Cultural Network for Human Fraternity RedGFU, works as a Center for Human Development, Environmental and Transcendental Education, in an attempt to create points of light in the world. Sometimes we can share with a Master with whom to explore your heart, your emotions and your mind, all this in nature, in a place impregnated with that consciousness that seeks the Great Universal Fraternity, if you need to do a course or workshop, here you have a wonderful place, become a member or sympathizer. We are waiting for you.

Ashram san martín de valdeiglesias – madrid 7 october 2018

We will perform different practices based on the philosophy of Taoque will consist of exercises to activate the energy of our body through movement, we will practice dynamic meditation techniques, you will receive valuable health tips that you can incorporate into your daily life, we will go for a walk in nature practicing outdoor exercises and perform group dynamics to enjoy and have fun.
He is currently one of the most active disseminators of Integrative Chinese Medicine, author of several successful books such as “Traditional Chinese Medicine – Living without getting sick”, “The Dryer Therapy”, “Tao for Living”, etc.. And he is a regular contributor to several television, radio and print media programs in the field of health. His motto: to live in harmony with Nature.

¡nos vamos de retiro!

Enclavado en el corazón de la Sierra Oeste de Madrid, este pueblo se encuentra cerca del embalse de San Juan y alberga monumentos singulares como el Castillo de Coracera que lo convierten en un lugar ideal para practicar deportes acuáticos y entrar en contacto con la naturaleza.
El Castillo de Coracera es el monumento más famoso de San Martín de Valdeiglesias. Fue construido a mediados del siglo XIV por don Álvaro de Luna, Condestable de Castilla y favorito del rey Juan II. Su elemento más destacado es la Torre del Homenaje, un torreón que servía como punto de defensa y como residencia de los señores del castillo. Este monumento forma parte de la Red de Castillos de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Tras un periodo de restauración, el Castillo alberga una oficina de información turística o una tienda de vinos donde se pueden degustar.    También se celebran diferentes eventos como “Clásicos de verano”: conciertos de música clásica al aire libre.
Aparte del castillo, no hay que dejar de dar un paseo por el casco antiguo y sus estrechas calles con casas antiguas con escudos y ventanas y puertas adinteladas. La iglesia de San Martín de Obispo, con su hermosa cúpula central de 7 metros de altura, merece una visita.