Pilates madrid chamberi


Pilates Lab es un exclusivo centro de Pilates, Yoga, Entrenamiento y Fisioterapia, situado en el centro de Madrid, entre la plaza de Alonso Martínez y el barrio de moda de Chamberí. Se ha cuidado el diseño de este espacio para que puedas ponerte en forma y, sobre todo, sentirte bien. Nuestras instalaciones cuentan con todos los servicios necesarios para hacer ejercicio con comodidad y sin aglomeraciones, sin olvidar la atención cálida y personalizada de nuestro equipo de entrenadores y profesionales sanitarios cualificados, todos ellos titulados y con gran experiencia en las diferentes especialidades que ofrecemos. Disponemos de tres salas amplias, tranquilas y luminosas, un despacho para tratamientos terapéuticos, vestuarios con taquillas de uso diario, duchas y servicio de toallas.
Queremos ser tu centro de entrenamiento en Madrid. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte a conseguir tus objetivos. Por eso organizamos diferentes actividades y programas de ejercicios adaptados a tus necesidades y preferencias. Puedes elegir entre entrenar con un entrenador personal o simplemente apuntarte a una de las clases que ofrecemos para grupos reducidos.

English pilates madrid

If you are looking for a place to start pilates classes in Chamberí (Madrid) to get in shape and take care of yourself, you can do it with the team of teachers at Rehabilitarte. We are a physiotherapy center specialized in carrying out rehabilitation treatment of different areas of the body, in addition to helping patients who wish to get in shape and start taking better care of their physical appearance with professional pilates classes.
We have a great team of highly qualified teachers who will help you find the perfect exercise routine for your body, treating any type of muscular or skeletal condition and eliminating pain.
Among the activities we perform, you will find: pilates, acupuncture, physical preparation for childbirth and postpartum, TMJ rehabilitation, osteopathy, pelvic floor strengthening, lymphatic drainage and much more. If you want to start taking care of yourself with us, come and see us, we’ll call you for free!
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Síclo madrid

The Pilates method is a form of physical conditioning and rehabilitation created by Joseph Pilates. Many of the benefits of this method include improvements in strength, flexibility, balance, postural control, mental control, relaxation… The regular practice of Pilates helps to counteract injuries or discomfort caused by poor posture.
The first class is always a trial, free and without obligation. No registration fee is charged. We offer facilities to recover classes that have not been attended (with prior notice). There is also the possibility of Individual and Personalized Pilates sessions.

Zentro pilates

Our SpacesCity Pilates has 2 studios in Madrid and Barcelona, as well as online classes. All studios have the best machines for all classes (Gratz and Balanced Body). Each studio has 3 or 4 fully equipped rooms for simultaneous group work (up to 6 students). The rooms are composed with all the machines of the method (Reformer, Cadillac or Wall Unit, High and Wunda Chair, Barrel, Arch and Spine Corrector, etc). The organization and rotation that we do with the machines in our studios allows us to transfer the work of the private classes to the groups, and thus adapt the training to each student.
We work to progress your trainingIn City Pilates we have created an intelligent progression of the Pilates Method, the objective is to progress your training. We have developed a working method that distinguishes us from other studios. The monthly planning of the classes responds to the individual needs of the student that allows a progression in the learning of your body. For this reason we work in four semesters, with closed groups, classified by levels or characteristics.